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- 10:24, 8 August 2020
- Forum: Fantom Platform
- Topic: Fantom Polyphony vs Voices
- Replies: 22
- Views: 5341
Re: Fantom Polyphony vs Voices
wait a minute, are you saying its not 256 Polyphony? what the hell. The frustration of fantom G all over again if thats the case....I still have the FantomG and seriously considering gut out the internal and maybe swap out some things or add other things but if new Fantom will still cut out because ...
- 07:38, 24 March 2013
- Forum: Fantom-G
- Topic: WE ARE BACK ?
- Replies: 13
- Views: 3413
well, from the look of it. new BK 76keys.
- 10:14, 19 December 2012
- Forum: Fantom-G
- Topic: NAMM 2013 Rumours - new Roland Workstation?
- Replies: 183
- Views: 40187
Re: NAMM 2013 Rumours - new Roland Workstation?
The next FG better have a polyphony over 256 which i wish this over due FG had.
- 12:20, 24 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
are you saying that there are set ups that send out 32 channel seperately? You mean midi 1 can become midi 17 on box 2. Is that mean my midi 1 on box one won't play midi one on box two. i guess i missing out on midi set ups since i hardly use it anyways.
- 13:07, 23 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
Buy two units, and you will get 256 polyphony and access to 8 slots worth of sounds instead of 4. Price is reasonable compared to, for example, a Jupiter 80 that has 256 polyphony, and no SRX slots at all. my first initial thoughts on this very subject of getting "two" when i watched the ...
- 12:13, 22 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
more sound to choose from. are you saying this pcm card have what srx cards have. if not then why limit to that. We should be flexible to choose the mix of sound from srx plus pcm and sn at same time. still polyphony deos suck in this one regardless.
- 21:17, 19 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
polyphony is always my complain cause these great sounds that roland have does eat a whole lot of it if you start adding them up. with the limitation given is needed if your working with so much 128 polyphony . this suck big time cause i do get this on FG. so pcm if remember correctly from demo vide...
- 15:59, 17 September 2012
- Forum: Fantom-G
- Topic: Why Do we buy workstations?
- Replies: 20
- Views: 3180
Re: Why Do we buy workstations?
i buy workstation for it prpose of making arrangements/sequencing. More like road maping your ideas on the fly. Its like your worstation when comes to music/sound just writing things down. We just don't like the limitation we ran into and thus gives as the demand for more integration/flexibility and...
- 13:38, 17 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
I hope i'm wrong too about that cut off. FR have 4 slots. I-7 have 4 slots. then pcm uses up all 4 slots. 128 polyphony really not happy about it but hey. Why not uses all 12 at once and 4 slots for the SN and pcm as loading options. increase polyphony to 384. sell it at 2500$ and we all be very hap...
- 10:05, 16 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
I hope this I-7 have a smooth transition in turning on/off motion surround. really don't like the cut off in the demo. now thats your update if there is no such thing.
- 11:15, 15 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
sound module are supposily means cheap. they better off do put 76key to this integra and sell it as the step up from juno stage with this price tag.
- 12:41, 11 September 2012
- Forum: Other Roland gear
- Topic: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
- Replies: 202
- Views: 40418
Re: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
I always complains about the polyphony on the FG. i love the concept of FG. The only thing is they might not make another workstation in 76keys and that will suck.
- 08:26, 10 September 2012
- Forum: Integra 7
- Topic: The New Roland Integra 7
- Replies: 150
- Views: 34935
Re: The New Roland Integra 7
i hope all these toys are setting us up for a big and improved.... never mind why bother raising hope up when..... sign out!
- 06:21, 7 September 2012
- Forum: Other Roland gear
- Topic: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
- Replies: 202
- Views: 40418
Re: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
lol! well let say am a new customer looking to purchase a synth from roland. budgeting consideration. Integra 7 =$1999.00 Roland A-88 midi controller hammer action controls your SN synth directly = $999.00 both about $2998.00 for both. now Roland A-49 midi controller synth action = $249.00 + Integra...
- 15:33, 4 September 2012
- Forum: Other Roland gear
- Topic: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
- Replies: 202
- Views: 40418
Re: When will ROLAND release their next Workstation ?
integra 7 = $1999.00 JP 50 = $1999.00 JP 80 = $3499.00 Well, for module i wouldn't spend this amount. Do the surround really worth that much? well nice to have but not sure if will make a difference in live performance. I guess the only way to check it is to test it on my church digico SD8 and see i...