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by Johan325
10:50, 6 March 2015
Forum: JD-XA Keyboard
Topic: Roland Content Store Up and Down
Replies: 5
Views: 2429

Re: Roland Content Store Up and Down


Nothing about JD-Xi/XA, Sorry. But a nice ProMars ... c2suc2U%3d
by Johan325
15:04, 26 February 2015
Forum: JD-XA Keyboard
Topic: Roland Content Store Up and Down
Replies: 5
Views: 2429

Roland Content Store Up and Down

"This site will be undergoing maintenance and will be down from 0:00 AM till 3:00 AM (UTC) on March 4th 2015."

This text is up on Roland Content Store
Something is going on.
by Johan325
22:34, 27 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

roland australia facebook page videos for JD-Xi very sllck Thanx for the Videos. Even if it Little Brother I still like it more and more. The guys at INTEGRA7 hoped there would be some Breakout...
by Johan325
20:15, 26 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

How about a really classical question, will there be an Editor? VST?

For the JD-Xi it would be nice, according from the Video cresshead found everything can be edited, if you dig into the menus. So a real digging VST Editor.
by Johan325
22:30, 25 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

In Europe the price for JD-Xi is set to €520-550 approx. Swedish Tax/Vat inc so it could be lower in other part of the world. £499 in UK and Germany I see now.
by Johan325
20:51, 25 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

Only one knob in the AMP Section? Or have I've been in the Digital world too long?
by Johan325
19:12, 25 January 2015
Forum: Integra 7
Topic: Roland at Winter NAMM 2015
Replies: 17
Views: 3763

Re: Roland at Winter NAMM 2015

Monkey Man wrote:Well, it's no INTEGRA-8, so how cool could it possibly be?
INTEGRA-8 with 8 Stereo Channels in the USB Cable, They showed that they can do with TR-8 and the new MX-1.
by Johan325
10:01, 25 January 2015
Forum: JUPITER-50
Topic: VST editor
Replies: 9
Views: 3608

Re: VST editor

Yes there’s no Editors, I remember the discussions when the Jupiters was released. Really sorry you didn’t checked here or at Roland’s Download Pages before you bought it. Probably a Company structure thing. No inhouse programmers for Mac/PC. Some of the early 2000 Editors, where created by other co...
by Johan325
09:09, 25 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

I thought I saw a post with soundsource info of the JD-XA. Can’t find it now, I think it said 4 analog and 4 digital. I would like it to be so, but I find this picture on the web. There are 4 buttons for each both analog and digital. But if you look to left the scheme it says 2 analog and 3 digital....
by Johan325
21:04, 22 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

Interesting twist, releasing the little brother first and the big brother later. Although it happened before, Roland use to release the big one “JP-80” first and the little one later “JP-50” and after that a Rack-Module. But I like the Analog Digital mixture. Now no complaining, for years Korg had D...
by Johan325
12:38, 22 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

NAMM is not finished yet. But can it be ... that JD-XA is a prototype of something to come?
by Johan325
11:01, 19 January 2015
Forum: FA-06 / FA-07 / FA-08
Topic: Winter namm 2015
Replies: 119
Views: 18949

Re: Winter namm 2015

Aria manager David Åhlund was doing something at sonic state 2 weeks ago.
Aria David Ahlund.JPG
Aria David Ahlund.JPG (96.6 KiB) Viewed 1711 times
by Johan325
07:22, 1 April 2013
Forum: JUPITER-50
Topic: Is this multitimbral? if how many parts.
Replies: 1
Views: 1300

Re: Is this multitimbral? if how many parts.

6 or 3 ? depending on how you see it.
Jupiter is not a supermultitimbral thing. The Integra-7 is.
by Johan325
20:47, 22 January 2013
Forum: JUPITER-80
Topic: Jupiter at Namm 2013?
Replies: 42
Views: 5987

Re: Jupiter at Namm 2013?

As many of you have said, both Jupiters was first shown at the musikmesse in march and the Gaia was also first shown at the musikmesse. At the bottom of the Roland Connect page you can switch to the other shows and I think I see a trend. NAMM is for VR’s and Pianos, Musikmesse is more Synth. The Stu...