Search found 618 matches

by rbarkhouse
18:58, 14 December 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: NAMM 2013 Rumours - new Roland Workstation?
Replies: 183
Views: 40187

Re: NAMM 2013 Rumours - new Roland Workstation?

I heard a rumor... that there are absolutely no rumors.
by rbarkhouse
20:08, 28 February 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Live players! How do you use your Live Sets?
Replies: 6
Views: 1273

Re: Live players! How do you use your Live Sets?

I keep it all strictly in Live Mode and do as you said, step through one by one with a footswitch. I'll often have multiple Live Sets per song, e.g. 001 Watcher Intro 002 Watcher Verse 003 Watcher Solo 004 Watcher Verse 005 Cigar EP 006 Point Intro 007 Point Verse etc... Then, before every gig, I si...
by rbarkhouse
20:03, 28 February 2012
Forum: SH-201
Topic: Patch Number buttons not working!
Replies: 5
Views: 3639

Re: Patch Number buttons not working!

You could also try buying one of those spray cans of compressed air (you might find it in the office supply store, its usually used for cleaning out computer keyboards), and try blasting that in under your buttons.
by rbarkhouse
20:08, 22 February 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: ARX-04 Jupiter 80 Synths
Replies: 7
Views: 2255

Re: ARX-04 Jupiter 80 Synths

I'd be more interested in ARX-04 "Fantom-S Sequencer"
by rbarkhouse
23:05, 7 February 2012
Forum: Fantom-S and Fantom-X
Topic: Creating a realistic-sounding choir
Replies: 3
Views: 1037

Re: Creating a realistic-sounding choir

I don't think you're going to get any more realistic than what is offered in the presets (which is not very realistic). The base waveforms in the Fantom are very limited. For some reason, going back to the original FA76, all the way up to the FG, Roland have never had good choir sounds :( Korg has t...
by rbarkhouse
17:57, 7 February 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Could someone summarize what's "wrong" with the G?
Replies: 16
Views: 4382

Re: Could someone summarize what's "wrong" with the G?

To me, the biggest problems lie in the sequencer. For anyone who has any background in sequencing, it is extremely frustrating and limited. You see, the sequencer in the Fantom is a dumbed-down loop / beatz recorder, with everything centered around patterns that you are expected to loop, reuse, etc....
by rbarkhouse
17:05, 30 January 2012
Forum: Latest News / Free Zone
Topic: Did god ceate the Universe (Stephen Hawking)
Replies: 25
Views: 7366

Re: Did god ceate the Universe (Stephen Hawking)

Fantom G sequencer = proof of no god :)
by rbarkhouse
17:03, 30 January 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Fantom G7 mods
Replies: 4
Views: 1299

Re: Fantom G7 mods

Looks great!
by rbarkhouse
17:02, 10 January 2012
Forum: Fantom-S and Fantom-X
Topic: How to trigger long sample?
Replies: 6
Views: 1261

Re: How to trigger long sample?

Option 1 is my preferred method :)
by rbarkhouse
18:04, 5 January 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: New Fantom V at namm 2012
Replies: 64
Views: 16463

Re: New Fantom V at namm 2012

Possible NAMM 2012 releases:


You never know!
by rbarkhouse
17:33, 1 January 2012
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)
Replies: 30
Views: 5388

Re: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)

Ahh, that's good. What JunoJohn lists is exactly what you should see in the project.
by rbarkhouse
16:13, 31 December 2011
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)
Replies: 30
Views: 5388

Re: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)

I have never updated to the latest OS (doesn't fix any of the real problems anyway so I don't see the point)

It would in no way surprise me if 1.50 could not load projects created earlier than 1.50 :P
by rbarkhouse
16:18, 28 December 2011
Forum: Fantom-S and Fantom-X
Topic: Srx duplicating on both my Fantoms
Replies: 20
Views: 4243

Re: Srx duplicating on both my Fantoms

No, sorry, that's not going to be possible. The patches that you find on your SRX card are made of wave samples that are actually ON THE CARD, not inside your Fantom. So a Fantom without the card will not have access to the right waveforms. You could go through the process of trying to duplicate the...
by rbarkhouse
20:45, 19 December 2011
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)
Replies: 30
Views: 5388

Re: 1980's Synth Pop (PRJ inside!)

The drums are really good. They perfectly match the style you are playing.Which drum kit do you use for the song 'The sun always shine' ? One thing I learned doing these songs: you usually get the best results when you go looking for individual kick, snare, clap, tom, etc. sounds, instead of trying...