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by sambasevam
21:25, 27 May 2011
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: A new workstation from Roland!!!! (kronos competitor)
Replies: 1
Views: 586

A new workstation from Roland!!!! (kronos competitor)

Is it possible?

I don't think so.

Moving on...
by sambasevam
20:25, 17 January 2011
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Namm new products - nothing for the FG !
Replies: 184
Views: 12980

Re: Namm new products - nothing for the FG !

<t>sheesh aren't forums an accurate assessment of a product's success (sarcasm detector: not). <br/> When the G came out, everyone was like "yay! motif and korg are dead and can never come back. G has won the workstation battle." <br/> <br/> Quickly changed to "meh..its kinda good, but nothing u can...
by sambasevam
21:59, 27 December 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Why Buy Roland Anymore? What In The World Is Going On With T
Replies: 43
Views: 3362

Re: Why Buy Roland Anymore? What In The World Is Going On Wi

<r>Art, <br/> I see. Indeed a computer sequencer would best a hardware one for me anytime. <br/> <br/> I see a lot of famous artists using Fantom G (clever product placement by roland?) and ofcourse everyone has a computer nowadays. So, I'd suggest simply using the fantom G as a scratch pad/drum sam...
by sambasevam
09:46, 27 December 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Why Buy Roland Anymore? What In The World Is Going On With T
Replies: 43
Views: 3362

Re: Why Buy Roland Anymore? What In The World Is Going On Wi

<r>Gotta say this - the attitude around the FG forum is depressing to watch. I don't really frequent these forums - once in a while I check with the crowd to keep up with the latest tech. <br/> <br/> Gotta say though the moaning about the G (and i dont mean just the OP) is a suprise to me. I do NOT ...
by sambasevam
10:04, 15 January 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: The Fantom G NOTHING experience has just stepped over the re
Replies: 136
Views: 9483

Re: The Fantom G NOTHING experience has just stepped over th

<t>Most indian music composers have a Roland Fantom X or a Fantom G as their main workstation (look up the pics of the studios). <br/> <br/> Rahman had a Fantom S, then he must have gotten the X and then moved to the G. <br/> <br/> I think the skip back sampling has something to do with it. Also not...
by sambasevam
17:28, 14 January 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: The Countdown finishes!
Replies: 53
Views: 2827

Re: The Countdown finishes!

hahah...told you folks...there's nothing in NAMM. What do you expect??
by sambasevam
01:27, 14 January 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: The Countdown finishes!
Replies: 53
Views: 2827

Re: The Countdown finishes!

<t>NEW ROLAND PRODUCT ANNOUNCED. <br/> <br/> Its a new FERRARI RED!!! <br/> <br/> It sounds quite like the teaser they have up. Actually it goes in and out of sync so it doesnt work as good as the website countdown. And there's only one tempo you can set - 180 for ta...
by sambasevam
21:07, 12 January 2010
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: The Countdown finishes!
Replies: 53
Views: 2827

Re: The Countdown finishes!

Remember when Roland had that huge countdown for a RED keyboard amp?? They called it the Cube (RED).

So dont get your hopes too high..
by sambasevam
07:30, 8 March 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Fantom-G worth the upgrade from Fantom-S...?
Replies: 35
Views: 2313

Re: Fantom-G worth the upgrade from Fantom-S...?

Fantom S owner here. Stay with the S. It has SRX options. If i were you, I'd get 3 more SRXs and kick ass with the Fantom S, or upgrade to a Fantom X but not to a Fantom G. Too much money for very little productivity value,imo ofcourse.
by sambasevam
07:10, 26 February 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Slumdog soundtrack produced in 20 days
Replies: 8
Views: 577

Re: Slumdog soundtrack produced in 20 days

<t>oh and if you think he doesnt get paid much in india.... roflcopter's on you. He has a school in his name, south asia's best studio, 15 years in the most wanted list, and a charity foundation for christ's sake.<br/> <br/> so, no, he doesn't need the hollywood's money. he can probably retire now a...
by sambasevam
07:07, 26 February 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Slumdog soundtrack produced in 20 days
Replies: 8
Views: 577

Re: Slumdog soundtrack produced in 20 days

<r>arr is a household name from where I come from. he was brought up in the same city i grew in and is massively popular in india. <br/> <br/> <br/> but don't be jealous of him. He is a workaholic unlike anyone you've ever seen. prolly gets 4-5 hours of sleep. works only in the night. dad died at a ...
by sambasevam
03:12, 18 February 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: fantom G Review (mainly piano related)
Replies: 55
Views: 3505

Re: fantom G Review (mainly piano related)

after reading more and more reviews like his, I become more satisfied with stickiing with software. If i spend $2700 on something, it better replace everything I own.
by sambasevam
02:59, 18 February 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: $200 Rebate on Fantom-G
Replies: 7
Views: 543

Re: $200 Rebate on Fantom-G

Buy it B-stock from ams to get it for $1999 total.

That was the price of the fantom X6 a few years back. !!
by sambasevam
09:58, 15 February 2009
Forum: Fantom-G
Topic: Why buy a G when X is so cheap now?
Replies: 26
Views: 1337

Re: Why buy a G when X is so cheap now?

step LFO can have a billion steps and it wont make your purchase any more worthier.

you play the keys, you can do anythign with the X. You'll be happy with the X if money is tight. if you have tons load, get the G.

I'm still very happy with the Fantom S.
by sambasevam
06:17, 30 January 2009
Forum: Synthesizers and Keyboards
Topic: How is the action on the V-Piano
Replies: 16
Views: 1354

Re: How is the action on the V-Piano

<t>well not to diss on the privia, but i've played it and i didn't like it. Its $699 for a reason, i guess.<br/> <br/> the yamaha i've played and have loved it back when it was teh p-250 and everyone had one. it was still $2199 tho...and so is the CP300 now.<br/> <br/> <br/> ok, i guess i gotta get ...