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SP-555 version 1.03 updater

Posted: 22:16, 12 October 2009
by xandreouteiro
i've recently found this trying to fix my lots of problems with my sp-555. Does someone knows something about this. Roland web says "The latest operating system for the SP-555. " It's avaliable in

Re: SP-555 version 1.03 updater

Posted: 13:19, 15 January 2010
by pep4
Hi! ist a good choice the sp555?
Best´s options for reemplace the sp555?

Re: SP-555 version 1.03 updater

Posted: 16:53, 15 January 2010
by xandreouteiro
mmmm pffff don't know...
i had a lot of problems with the sp555: loop instances are wrong, doesn't have midi for most of the components (only for the pads themselves),

when you want to apply effects to a loop, you have first to record it to the pads tab: all the sound stops for a few seconds while this, so I think it doesn't work quite good for live playing.
when i bought it, i didn't know anything about midi, electronic music or something like that. Today, i'd like to buy another one (no sp, but maybe any other)

hope i helped you

Re: SP-555 version 1.03 updater

Posted: 16:21, 5 July 2013
by thebeav_5
I am looking for the factory utility CD files that come with an Sp-555, would you have these by chance that you could email me? I would like to reset my Sp-555 to original factory setting but lost the CD. Email is if you could help or know someone who can. Thank you