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name chords or arp we create

Posted: 14:20, 17 September 2020
by jay-em
so the manual says nothing about how we name our own chords or arp

can anybody tell me?

i have tried every button combo i swear, head is fried - thanks

Re: name chords or arp we create

Posted: 00:17, 22 September 2020
by Frequalizer
Far as I can tell the name isn't something you can change on the arpeggio/chord memory patterns. To help keep them organize though you can find a arpeggio and chord that mesh well and save both to the same user location slot number for example user 001/002/003/004 for both the chord/arpeggio patterns you find.

Press the SHIFT with arpeggio or chord memory and it'll into a menu that allows some further editing of them though not much in the case of the chord memory while more extensive for the arpeggio options to edit. While in that menu press the write button and it to the user slot of your choice.

By default it'll correspond to the arpeggio/chord # that's currently selected 1-128/1-64 for the user slot, but you can adjust it with the value wheel or inc/dec buttons and hit enter when you've found the location of your liking.

Re: name chords or arp we create

Posted: 15:41, 22 September 2020
by jay-em
thanks freq:

yeah bit of a pain, they managed to name c#7 etc and we can't

eh oh i think they covered most chords so as long as they transpose properly it isn't so bad

shame about the arp though, i would have loved to give them at least a shortcut name of sorts