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Question on recording patterns for Boss DR 880

Posted: 23:52, 22 January 2017
by spookjr69
So, I'm wanting to create a 4 bar pattern in 4/4 but I only want 3 beats in the 2nd measure. Is there a way to delete a beat altogether? I've searched the manual and not seen it. I'm not the most technologically adept person so maybe I'm just not seeing it... any help is appreciated!

Re: Question on recording patterns for Boss DR 880

Posted: 08:28, 3 February 2017
by stucknote
If I read correctly, you wanted a 3/4 bar as the 2nd bar ? If this is the case, it cannot be done - you must create 4/4 and 3/4 separately and then use the Song Mode to chain the pattern up.. making it :

4/4 + 3/4 + 4/4 + 4/4

If I got you wrong above, then you're just looking to remove a beat on the 2nd bar - to do this, Press Rec, then Play to enter to Real Time recording/editing mode. You can see which measure at the screen as the playback starts. Once it reached the 2nd bar, and just before it reach the intended beat, press 'SHIFT' and the 'PAD' to which you want the sound to be deleted.