Roland PK5 + MIDI/USB bug

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Joined: 17:28, 18 May 2021

Roland PK5 + MIDI/USB bug

Post by Lise_G »

Hello everyone :)

I need your help for a problem I have with my Roland PK5.
Here is the context: I recently programmed a Java software to manage my keyboards presets and add features to my Roland PK5.
The Roland PK5 pedalboard sends MIDI notes to the computer thanks to a MIDI2USB cable.
Everything works fine except one odd thing.

When I press and release a pedal on the PK5, I receive two MIDI messages: one for NOTE_ON, and one for NOTE_OFF (which happens to be a NOTE_ON with velocity=0 in this case). However, I don't receive NOTE_OFF (or NOTE_ON with v=0) messages when I just brush the pedal with my foot.
This bug leads to unwanted held notes when I play fast with my foot, and it's definitely annoying.
The brushing issue does not exist when I plug my PK5 to a keyboard with a simple MIDI cable though, which makes me think the problem isn't related to the triggers inside the pedalboard.

Does someone have a solution for that? Thanks a lot! :)

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