Micro BR-Questions and problems

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Micro BR-Questions and problems

Post by swingrays »

The idea of the Micro BR is great. I have a BR8 and was hoping that this new unit will do almost everything the BR8 does, so I bought one. The first thing I noticed is the reverb is crap. It sounds to me like it's almost a delay. Could it be a cheaper reverb? I hoped Boss would've used the same compressor presets as in the BR8 as well, but they're different and I can't tell much difference at all between them. I'm hoping I can get the settings from my BR8 compression settings I use and apply them to make my own presets on the Micro.

Maybe I made a mistake here. I bought a 2G memory card instead of the 1G hoping it would work. Nope. At a gig last night I fired up the MP3 player between sets and it just stopped after 2 songs saying "Unsupported format!" I will go get a 1G today, dammit.
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