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Drum Tuning

Posted: 18:25, 23 February 2010
by GSPro
Hello forum,
Is there a way to tune and pan each individual drum instrument in a "Drum Kit" on the Sonic Cell?

I know on the old Sound Canvas it was possible.


Re: Drum Tuning

Posted: 20:06, 23 February 2010
by piaknowguy
Hi GSPro!

The answer to your question should be 'Yes'. I don't actually own a SonicCell, but in checking the manual, it appears that one can fairly easily edit Rhythm sets (starting on pge 117) -

*wave panning (page 121)
*individual pitch (page 122)

You can then write your edited kit to memory.

Please listen to 'Storm Chaser' if you wish.


Re: Drum Tuning

Posted: 20:09, 23 February 2010
by GSPro
Hello piaknowguy and thanks for the reply.
I looked at the manual last night with no luck (maybe too tired) but, I'll check the referenced pages you gave me.

Thank you Again,