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Getting the Names of the User Patches Performances

Posted: 04:10, 14 March 2012
by rcraven
When someone asked the other day about the list of User patches for the instrument (INS) file in Sonar it got me thinking about how to extract the names to edit an ins file so that you have the currently loaded User set in Sonar.

Selecting a Patch is not hard in a DAW but it really helps if you can see the name.
I only know of SoundQuests' MidiQuest to extract the names. I can't seem to copy and paste from any of the other library program.
So I have written a small program that will extract the names from the synth.

What model synth and whether it is a Patch or Rhythm set or Performance is stored in a drop down list.
The details are stored in an INI file and can be edited with a text editor.
I have included an ini file with a few Roland Synths in it including the SC, Fantom (S/X) and XV series.

You should be able to use it on most hardware synths by editing the bank select, the data request sysex string and the start and end points for the name in the reply string.

It's a bit tech, but I hope it is useful to someone.


Re: Getting the Names of the User Patches Performances

Posted: 04:18, 14 March 2012
by piaknowguy
Wow! Seriously? Not that I need it, because I have all of my USER sounds data in my ins. files but . . . Thanks! I'm sure someone will find this useful! Thanks, again! =)