The Countdown finishes!

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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by cyclops »

branko: They'd better come up with something really cool, otherwise all this fancy countdown thing is for nothing... :-)
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by branko »

There must be something!And I think that there will be just one new ARX and no new O.S.
I dont remember any new O.S. releases on NAMM or Musicmesse for FG.
They will release some hardware and they will wait a little longer for the new O.S because they don't want to give us everything.First O.S didn't have multisampling!?Why is that?That is Roland's philosophy.
First O.S could have everything.But they don't want that.They want in nex few years to give us always something.They have all O.S releases and ARX's somewhere in JAPAN.But they will not release it until.....
Maybe this is the day?Counting and all this stuff on the Roland US site?
Why is there no Counting on Roland-Japan site?It is because NAMM is in USA.
Nothing special.It is just a NAMM.And there will be nothing.Maybe one ARX or maybe just a new O.S. and maybe FG Connects?
FG Connects would be a nice thing.With some new patches and DEMO songs.....
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by sambasevam »

Remember when Roland had that huge countdown for a RED keyboard amp?? They called it the Cube (RED).

So dont get your hopes too high..
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by secret Roland agent »

Yeah! You never know. Maybe we're just going to release a new count-down clock!

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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by keysme »

Wow! Now I'm really starting to get excited! :) Hey, did you guys notice it says "Global Product Launch" on the Roland U.S. site? It seems to me there's gonna be a few "major" product launches at winter NAMM from Roland and Boss. Let's see... ARX?? Yeah! - Maybe three of them?? Possibly.. um hum. I'm hoping for at least two though. Fantom G OS?? Not so fast! Maybe not, since an OS is not considered a "product" per se. Hmmm,.. new keyboard(s)?? Very possible, since Roland is showing "two" sets of 'keys' on their website. I expect a new set of digital V-Drums too; also a couple or three new guitar Amps (maybe a "stereo" keyboard Amp or two as well)? We'll see.

I think it's gonna be a very interesting NAMM myself. Other keyboard companies like Yammie, Korg, Kurzweil, Casio.. :D, etc.., are sure to stir the pot too. We have to remember though that NAMM stands for "Not Available, Maybe May".. latter part :D >> Or June.. ;)

PS: Feels like Christmas all over again doesn't it? :) >> Although the "presents" aren't free this time around unfortunately. :-| Ka-ching! :D Hey, might as well fork over the goods if Roland comes through in a big way, right? I don't mind supporting high quality and innovative gear from a major reputable company like Roland. And it's about time I filled my two Fantom G ARX slots anyway. ;) Maybe this winter NAMM will be the "ticket" for doing just that. :) I know, I know.. don't get my hopes up too high right? Okay..okay. Be prepared for anything, but hope for the best? :) Gotcha!
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by piaknowguy »

NAMM is my favorite season!! =)

Please listen to 'Pirates' done entirely on the Fantom X8

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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by 2TIM316 »

I don't think anything can be necessarily construed from "Global Product Launch". To me that just means that as always they will announce the new products "globally". It could be a keyboard bag or a guitar tuner. I have a feeling they will be more and more catering to the electronica/DJ crowd, which is an anomaly in itself, since most electronica producers use software entirely. But with Roland the one constant is that they almost always surprise at NAMM. So a successor to the Fantom-G line is just as possible as a show with no siginifcant new hardware.

Another recent trend is re-packaging hardware with a few software updates. Sort of a "Gplus" or something. Same basic guts - newer software. Much cheaper than re-tooling a factory.

But who the heck knows. Just fun to wait and see!
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by dbijoux »

Which is exactly why Roland should again cater to the EDM crowd.
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by sambasevam »


Its a new FERRARI RED!!!

It sounds quite like the teaser they have up. Actually it goes in and out of sync so it doesnt work as good as the website countdown. And there's only one tempo you can set - 180 for tarnce. Nothing you can do about it. Operated by AC power too. No batteries. There's a mechanical winding in addition to the AC power. This makes the metronome work. The AC power is just there to make the power led light up. Also it has a built in 14" subwoofer so you can listen to the "tick...tock...tick...tock" in earth shattering sub 200Hz bass to mask your pitiful compositions in the background.
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by 2TIM316 »

Here's a link to the Harmony Central press page. As usual Roland is as tight-lipped as ever. It'll most likely be 10:00 AM PST on the dot before we know anything. I'm still gonna take a trip over to Roland Japan to see if anything leaked.
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by madAhorn »

I like the looks of Gearwire for this stuff...
One item at a time with photo.

I wonder why Yamaha announced their new Ne CP series already?
Maybe they know something more competitive is coming...or nothing at all...
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by Jimknopf »

Cyclops said:
They'd better come up with something really cool, otherwise all this fancy countdown thing is for nothing... :-)

Well, have a look yourself:

MadAhorn said:
Maybe they know something more competitive is coming...or nothing at all...

Hasn't the latter become quite a tradition for Fantom G users? ;-)
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by LooneyTunes »

The RD700gx got an update, and this machine gets the SuperNatural Pianos. Im curious because i think the RD700GX only has SRX expansion slots! Roland made an SRX Supernatural piano expansion ????? I think its only for the RD700GX but the thing is, If they have the technology and the experience, Why dont we have an ARX Piano board for the FG????
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by sambasevam »

hahah...told you folks...there's nothing in NAMM. What do you expect??
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Re: The Countdown finishes!

Post by cyclops »

GOODNIGHT Roland, and good luck... You're gonna need it! :-D
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