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CC-7 CC-11?

Posted: 01:14, 27 October 2010
by firstlovedan
I think I might have posted this a long time ago, but is there a remote chance that Roland can fix the AX to do what the manual says it can do? ie, "Send CC commands out to a module". If I am missing something, I apologize for the anger, but man is this frustrating. I have no way of controlling volume with my CONTROLLER! Please Roland, listen to our needs. The Manual clearly states that it sends CC Messages. How do we do it? Firstlovedan

Re: CC-7 CC-11?

Posted: 03:02, 27 October 2010
by SammyJames

I don't doubt that there is a problem here, and since I don't own an AX anymore, I can't tell you with certainty that the issue is not with your product. However, some more detail might help both me and you.

I used to own an AX1, and then I got an AX7. Both were able to send both 7 and 11 messages using the data wheel, which is on the end of the left-most part of the headstock.

There was a menu on each of these that let you set the behavior of this physical controller. Additionally, I recall that the Mod lever could send either 1, 7, or 11 messages, although I can't confirm that.

I know that I definitely accomplished this, because I specifically recall having needed to use the knob to send messages to my MC-80. So, also check to make sure that the device that you are sending these messages to can accept them adequately.

Let us know how things work out.

- Sammy

Re: CC-7 CC-11?

Posted: 08:25, 27 October 2010
by firstlovedan
On the ax synth, there are two knobs not unlike me ax-7. But these control the internal sounds of the ax synth. The manual says it sends out cc7 on one knob and cc-11 on the other, but neither is true, and as far as I can tell, there is no way to turn it on. Anyway, I'm curious as to how Roland is going to respond to a problem that is at least a year old. Blessings, dan

Re: CC-7 CC-11?

Posted: 22:44, 27 October 2010
by SoulBe
I totally agree!. Very frustrating.

The AX is out now for more than 1 year, they sell the black sparkle version and no software update to fix this problem. Another thing is midi patching. I cannot understand why Roland cannot fix these things with an update, it´s basic midi issue not magic :-(
Please Roland DO something !!!!!


Re: CC-7 CC-11?

Posted: 23:17, 27 October 2010
by firstlovedan
I am seriously thinking about buying an AX-7 off ebay. At least it sends midi CC, and the pitch ribbon is way more responsive.