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Trying to record on a JX-305

Posted: 07:47, 2 February 2013
by jv1010midi
Ok, so I just got a jx-305 with the intention of using its sequencer.

I'm starting to worry that I've been duped, as I can't seem to get it to work.

As per the manual I press "record" and select recording parameters. Then I select a part and a patch.

2 things have happened so far at this stage: Either the recording button blinks or, it lights constantly
Then as per manual when pressing 'play/stop' to start the actual recording, nothing records as far as I can tell. Even when the display reads "record" in the top row. I see no recording data being entered in the display window.

Also, the 'record' button keeps blinking (or stays lit) even after I press "play/stop" to presumably stop the recording (which again, doesn't appear to take place).

Do these things sound like something is wrong with the synth, or that I'm doing something wrong?

Pls, pls, if the latter, tell me what I'm missing so that I can record? I got the synth mainly to be able to record fast, not like now, not at all.

Many thanks in advance.

Re: Trying to record on a JX-305

Posted: 07:26, 3 February 2013
by jv1010midi
Another thing while at it. When pressing one of the buttons that light up when pressed (such as record, ptn/song, tempo & record etc) I can't seem to switch them off/get out of them. The manual states press the button in question a second time to switch it off. Well, that doesn't happen in my case for some reason. Say, if I press record, the record button lights up, and stays lit no matterhow many times I keep pressing it.

Plese realize that whoever can help with these issues (how to record on the jx-305 as I can't seem to get it working, and whether the synth is malfunctioning based on the issues I've described) would help enourmously, as I could contact the seller about it, and/or start recording for once which would mean a great deal to me. Thanks in advance.

Re: Trying to record on a JX-305

Posted: 08:39, 4 February 2013
by jv1010midi
Alright, I guess my question has changed slightly. I managed to record, but. Strangely only after setting the metronom to on during 'both' recording and playback. Another caveat is that nothing will record without the JX-305 shoving this dance beat down my throat that I only manage to record over. I'd like to record my own stuff including beats.

So I guess my question now is (aside from wondering why changing metronome settings could make such a difference to being able to record) how do you get rid of the 'forced' dance pattern that records everytime I record?

Yes, in time I might figure things out, but I'm really in a hurry to record;