how to remove JP-8000 top cover?

Forum for JP-8000/8080 synthesizers from 1990's
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Joined: 08:50, 24 November 2009

how to remove JP-8000 top cover?

Post by D_Garry »

Hi guys!
Yesterday i've become a happy owner of JP-8000!! But unfortunately my happiness has been a bit overshadowed by few cracks in the plastic body of the synth. Now i'm going to fix it. So, could you tell me, are there any pitfalls with pulling off the top plastic cover? there are many screws on the bottom side, there are also some screws on the rear side (where the AC plug resides). Which of them must i unscrew to remove the cover? (because, don't know how it's in JP-8000, but some appliances have many screws that in fact hold some internal PCBs or modules, but you can unscrew them outside the body. and i'd like not to touch'em). Also, is it neccessary to remove all the control knobs before removing the top cover?
Thank you!
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Joined: 23:19, 14 September 2009

Re: how to remove JP-8000 top cover?

Post by Musicfan »

Just be careful how you lay the board down so you don't mess up the control surface. It's not so easy to mess up but just use caution. The screws on the underside and rear are readily removable with normal tools.

The knobs and especially the sliders are going to be an issue if you're trying remove the top cover. The slider parts love to fall all over the place. Much of the internal electronics are attached to the top cover, and not the bottom particle board. That's what's going to make it an issue. It's also hard to comment not knowing the exact problems you're trying to fix. Hope this helps.
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