The New Roland Integra 7

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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Mystic38 »

certainly the concept that to use one single GM sound you lose everything else is absurd.. but the kicker here is that Roland has not produced a VST editor for a single synth since the Fantom G.. Juno Gi, JP80, JP50 and now integra 7 do not have VST editors...

Sorry Roland, I am not returning to 1990's music production methods simply to use your synths...
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Quinnx. »

I`d say we where darn lucky!!! to get it for the G (phew)
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by jur451c »

shame it doesnt work in most daws tho...
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Quinnx. »

Have not really had that problem....
But.. you could always then run it as a separate app :-)
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by en76 »

i hope all these toys are setting us up for a big and improved.... never mind why bother raising hope up when..... sign out!
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by c24kgold »

Has anyone heard whether you can play through the the Integra 7 using 2 different controllers?

It has midi in, 16 parts and 4 stereo outputs, can 2 people use one module in a live situation?
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by apex »

c24kgold wrote:Has anyone heard whether you can play through the the Integra 7 using 2 different controllers?

It has midi in, 16 parts and 4 stereo outputs, can 2 people use one module in a live situation?
lol... good luck with the polyphony...
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by ac »

Roland .... roland.....really this sucks!!! No OS update for FG and now this Integra7... whats the point in having all those slots but you can only use 4 at the time... waste of time..waste of space...waste of money.

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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by ac »

Maybe i will stick with my XV5080 for now...

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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by keys »

One thing I can't seem to find out is ---

There are 16 parts. Can I place instruments into these 16 parts on to different areas of the keyboard, as well as set different volumes and different velocities. In other words - splitting, layering and crossfading like I can with the Fantom X.
I assume this is standard but it is not stipulated on the official stuff (that I can find)

And - supplementary to that - if I load up 4 SRX boards - can I only use up to 16 parts taken from those slots or can I use other say supernatural synth and acoustic sounds (or XV5080) at the same time
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Mystic38 »

splits and layers has nothing to do with the sound module.. that is a function of the keyboard controller...

chain 2 decent controllers together (say novation sl2) and 2 people can play the integra7 with 4 parts each.. but as apex will need to monitor polyphony
keys wrote:One thing I can't seem to find out is ---

There are 16 parts. Can I place instruments into these 16 parts on to different areas of the keyboard, as well as set different volumes and different velocities. In other words - splitting, layering and crossfading like I can with the Fantom X.
I assume this is standard but it is not stipulated on the official stuff (that I can find)

And - supplementary to that - if I load up 4 SRX boards - can I only use up to 16 parts taken from those slots or can I use other say supernatural synth and acoustic sounds (or XV5080) at the same time
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by simondragon »

keys wrote:One thing I can't seem to find out is ---

There are 16 parts. Can I place instruments into these 16 parts on to different areas of the keyboard, as well as set different volumes and different velocities. In other words - splitting, layering and crossfading like I can with the Fantom X.
I assume this is standard but it is not stipulated on the official stuff (that I can find)

And - supplementary to that - if I load up 4 SRX boards - can I only use up to 16 parts taken from those slots or can I use other say supernatural synth and acoustic sounds (or XV5080) at the same time
I hope you can do this as it would make it more user friendly without needing a top end controller keyboard.
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by howardS »

Mystic38, you said "splits and layers has nothing to do with the sound module.. that is a function of the keyboard controller..." but that is not true with all keyboards or modules. I am currectly looking at some Korg gear because you can set the splits on the M3 module and on the Kronos which are being played by a remote controller.

This avoids the need of a top end controller, as simondragon points out, and also allows you to program one piece of gear and simply plug your controllers into it.
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Jan_nl »

So, has anyone figured out a solid rational reason for the 4 virtual slots?

To me it looks like someone at Roland thought it would look nice if they created a simulation of the way synths/workstations could be expanded in the past, so that now you see thumbnail icons of the expansion cards and, as used to be the case with hardware expansions, simply pick an icon and drag it into the virtual slot to make it easy for the musician to load sounds.

Nevertheless, from a practical point of view it makes little sense.
Firstly, in this day and age of cheap memory why not implement a full gigabyte?
Secondly, why not categorize all the sounds of the SRX-cards in a virtual onboard library and allow the user to select from all the sounds in the library which ones to load into the RAM?
Why not allow the user to pick his own sounds from various cards and let him create his own 'virtual card' (his own soundset) which can be loaded quickly into memory?
Maybe an OS update might be able to make this possible; it would eliminate much of the criticism and circumvent the current limitation significantly.

I don't want to get hung up on this issue, since I feel the module has a LOT going for it soundwise, but it remains a bit of a mystery to me why Roland chose this approach.
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Re: The New Roland Integra 7

Post by Johan325 »

I think it's great that Roland have released a module/rack synth.
For a very long time, it looked like it never going too happened, that Sonic Cell was the last thing (or Fantom XR if you don’t consider Sonic Cell as a real thing, I do). I’ve read many threads in this forum wondering if Roland had stopped creating racksynths. And many answers saying YES! They have. I was one of them who thought that it was the case to. Who could compete with the computer based DAW’s and there VSTi Softsynth? In the same time I understood why Roland didn’t the same thing as KORG when they released there Softsynth Pack, the piracy was too much.
Although I hoped for a rack too come…
So I think it’s great that INTEGRA-7 is here.

Still I understand the criticism. Why all this limitations? I know, I know, I know. All components have a prize. Plus Roland must earn something also.

Perhaps they try something like they did with JV-1080, JV-2080 in the 90’s? INTEGRA-7 this year and INTEGRA-9 later on.

Perhaps they just want to try the market and see if a Rack/Module still can sell. Without putting up to much money, if it is a failure.
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