Soft integration beetwin DAW-controller and integra editor plagin?

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Soft integration beetwin DAW-controller and integra editor plagin?

Post by Vladistone »

Hello Roland clan members! I want to ask: has anyone had any research and results for using the Roland Integra7 (RI7) editor with an external DAW controller?
A few days ago I was interested in this question but didn't find a satisfactory explanation - how to use the MIDI/CC# control retranslator to convert Roland SysEx messages of controling?
Does anyone have any worthwhile comments or implemented ideas when organizing manual control to AU or VSTi-editor of Roland integra7?
I can give a good example of external remote control of Korg Kronos via bome MIDI translator pro software controlled from SSL Nucleus2 (which generates MIDI/MCU/CC# messages and QWERTY keyboard emulation) for the ability to use that software as a MIDI translator. Or decigions in the Logic pro X environment, or Reaper through the Realearn FX extension, which allows you to work with SysEx messages and translate them into other MIDI messages for feedback to the multi-DAW controller.
but in Korg Kronos not all operations are mapped to SysEx-format (quite a lot mapped to CC#) which cannot be confirmed for the previous generation of Korg OASYS synthesizers (almost everything is implemented in SysEx there to.... that's the problem for me!)
And what about converting MIDI control without GUI (especial withuot using a PC mouse) in integra7 editor?
in the pic - my home studio setup diatgamma
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