New FA08 owner

Forum for Roland FA-06/08
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Joined: 11:56, 22 November 2020

New FA08 owner

Post by stevgil »

Hello, I've recently bought a brand new FA08. I like the keyboard action, but am struggling with the different concepts of using a workstation and often get into a fix trying to figure out what I'm actually doing or wanting to do. I'm a bit long in the tooth now but I wanted something challenging so I've got it! I've loaded on a few SMFs and MP3s which I've played along to having been used to an arranger keyboard previously, but haven't really started to probe the real depths of this yet but concentrated more on learning the basic stuff. I've already deleted something I shouldn't (Pythagoras song) so have only got three of the demo songs left. I created a few songs using the presets of the Pythagoras studio set but since (inadvertently) deleted this and am now left with songs that don't sound as they were recorded. I've bought a spare 16 gb SD card to 'practise' with since then as I don't want to lose any more preset songs that presumably are there to help somebody like me get started. I was hoping to do a factory reset and get the keyboard back to how it was when I got it but this hasn't worked as there are no demo songs. Luckily I used this spare card to do this as I don't want to lose any more of these songs. Does anybody know if these demos can be downloaded from Roland as I've been there and tried various downloads with no success? Ideally, I'd like to get the keyboard back to how it was when I first got it and start again. I feel I've learnt a lot in the couple of weeks I've had it but I feel there's a long way to go before I know what I'm doing. OK then. I'll appreciate any help I may be given in getting my machine back to normal and will look forward to visiting this forum and reading others comments. My best wishes to all.
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Joined: 02:48, 30 September 2019

Re: New FA08 owner

Post by gonk23 »

Congratulations on your purchase! The demo songs aren't stored in the FA, they're stored on the SD card that came with the FA. However you can download the contents of the original SD card from: ... s_drivers/

Look for the link at the end of the list called "FA-06/FA-07/FA-08 factory installed data in the included SD Card".

Follow the instructions found at this link. You'll need to do this to an empty SD card, so make sure you don't accidentally delete any of your songs.
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Joined: 11:56, 22 November 2020

Re: New FA08 owner

Post by stevgil »

Hi gonk23, thanks for your welcome comments and link. I'd already tried downloading from this link but still don't seem to get any song data, so I must be doing something wrong. I've bought a brand new 16gb Lexar SD and formatted it as I didn't want to risk losing the other 3 demo songs on the original SD card. I've then plugged into my computer and can see the two folders. I've then downloaded the link and dragged the contents into each of the folders as they suggest. I've then unplugged the SD gone back to my FA, plugged in card, turned on and all I see is a list of INIT blank user songs. I've clicked on the song load button and nothing happens. Also, the 16 sampler buttons on the right do not light up as they do with the original card i.e. even though its missing the first Pythagoras demo song and has INIT Song in its place followed by the other 3 demo samples. I'm not bothered about losing any of my stuff as all I want to do is reinstate the keyboard to how it was when I got it. Anyway, thanks again for your input. I'm going to keep trying. I'll probably contact Roland help and see if they know what I might be doing wrong!
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Joined: 11:56, 22 November 2020

Re: New FA08 owner

Post by stevgil »

Hi gonk23, Just to say I've finally managed to download the software from the Roland site. I'm still not sure why I couldn't do it before put it's got something to do with dragging the stuff into folders within folders called Roland and not FA. Anyway, I've now got two SD cards to play around with. I've just backed up the card on both my FA and my computer so hopefully that should do it. Having said that, if I know me, I'll be messing something else up soon no doubt!
Posts: 8
Joined: 02:48, 30 September 2019

Re: New FA08 owner

Post by gonk23 »

Good to hear you've got it to work. Yeah, I was going to suggest that your problems were probably due to the folders/files being in the wrong place. I.e. the IMPORT and Roland folders from the zip file need to be in the root of the SD card, otherwise the FA doesn't know where to find them.
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