Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

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Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »


I hope you are doing well.

If I make an adjustment to a sound via the sound modify sounds and I save this sound to my favorites and I turn the Roland off and on again and look at the favorites, the sound will be original again instead of the way I adjusted it.
What am I doing wrong. I can't figure out how to save it properly.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 9blackoranges »


Edits you make to a tone or a studio set are temporary. The changes you make are lost when you turn of the power or select another tone. If you want to keep the edited settings, save the tone and/or studio set first. If you store as a favourite it is only storing the saved version not the edited version as it 'does not exist' until you save first.

Depending upon the type of changes you make to a tone it may have to be renamed when it is saved otherwise it will not store some of the changes you made. When you save a studio set and have have made such a change to a tone it will warn you that a tone needs to be saved/renamed first or it will be lost.

Take care when you make a change as it may over-ride the settings on a previously saved version if you don't rename it first and loose the sound you have previously used in a song/studio set-very annoying trying to get it back to how it was when you next open it.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »

Thank you. I'm going to give it a try
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »

Nope. Still nothing. This is how I do this :

Select a tone : 0821 Saw lead 10.
Then press write => Set to User 512 change the name Saw lead 10 into the song name and save

But when I go to User 512 it's empty.

However I figure it out when I'm going to the Synt lead it's almost at the end of the row. There I found the sound.
But when I adjust the sound and save still its gone when I recall the sound. And how can I remove this sound ?

I own also a Nord stage 3 and how simple is that to save adjusted sounds. Press 1 time, check for a free place press 2nd time and its done.

It's looks like it's my first synt but afer 40 years i've got many but for the moment I'm lost.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 9blackoranges »

Hi again,

I just did what you did and it works easily, so not sure where your going wrong. Saving a tone is as easy as 1-2-3 on the Nord.

Step by step:

I loaded a single tone- the 0821 Saw Lead 10 ( as you did ).
Opened Tone Edit and changed Partial 1 to Saw Wave variation B and saved it: Write/Tone/0090/Renamed it TryOut/Saved. And its there, stored as per amendment.
Decided to modify again, this time changing the MFX to 3 Tap Pan Delay/saved tone/ And its there saved as per further amendment.

What changes are you making before you save as amended tone? Perhaps your doing something thats not part of the tone?
You need to change its save number so you can subsequently find them rather than just using the location number suggested otherwise you will be in a mess when you have 500 tones!
Remember these are stored in the SN Synth and USER folder.

I have presumed you are just using the sound as a single tone and not in a saved SONG and/or STUDIO SET as they are saved seperately.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »

Finally I found some time to dive in and now it works.
Have done the steps you described and it works.

Still do not know what I was doing wrong but the result it what matter.
I'm going to give everything a place again so that the tones are not everywhere

Many thx for your help.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »

Mmmmm. Thought I figure it out.

I made a tone which is transposed 3+ (I saved it in my favorites) When I want to take the next tone in my favorites suddenly its also 3+ transposed.
I save the tone again - 3 to 0 and saved again.
But when I go back to the transposed tone and again back to another again its also 3+ transposed.
I really do not understand why. What makes this saving on this keyboard for me so difficult. Never had such a problem.
I'm gonna make a factory reset again and start all over again for the last time. If I can't get it right again I'll sell that thing.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 9blackoranges »

Hi again,

you do seem to be having need to reset or sell.....

I need to understand EXACTLY what your doing.

Firstly, are you using/saving STUDIO SETS and/or SONGS? Or are you just using single tones?

Secondly, how are you transposing the tones. Are you just using the transpose buttons on the bottom left of the keyboard OR transpose in the Studio Set?

Transpose does not save as part of the TONE. The 2 transpose buttons don't just transpose one tone, they transpose the whole keyboard and EVERY tone being if you were playing 3 different tones either as splits or layers they all move up or down together.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »


Factory reset is already done.

I want to create single tones, I don't want studiosets, Beside the Nord I have also a Roland system1 and love to create new tones with this Roland. Then
together with my Boss RC-505 creating new loops/songs an put them back in the FA-06 sampler.
That was the plan.

Transpose : In de tone : shift and partview then to the coarse tune.

But first I gonna read the manual again.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 67Deadman »

So I created a dual tone saved it but do I have to make a Studio set when I make a dual sound ?
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I also created a single tone but must this be also a studioset ? Because when I saved this in my favorites at nr 1 for for example, nr 0 will be PRST 68 en nr 2 PRST 70
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Joe P
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by Joe P »

First, your dual tone must be saved as a studio set. When you were selecting Save Tone it was likely saving the highlighted tone of the studio set (Full Orchest in your picture).

Second, to save a tone you modified, select Save Tone and rename it. It will be saved in the group the original tone came from but with a USER tag (e.g. if you modify a bass tone and name it your new tone will appear in the bass group). You can then use your modified tones in studio sets.

Finally, I am pretty certain that Favorites can only be Studio Sets. I have run into this maddening problem. So call up your tone and then save it as a Studio Set, then assign it to a Favorite.

Also, please note that part view is a Studio Set function. If you transpose a part in part view it will only be retained if you save the studio set. The transpose button on the front panel is Global Transpose.

Good luck!
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by harmonizer »

I don't have any particular advice to add, regarding what you are trying to accomplish right now.

But I wanted to share that the Studio Sets capability is very flexible and powerful: For starters, each of the 16 parts can be assigned different transposition amounts, and each of the 16 parts can have different low key and high key limit. So if you learn to use the power of the Studio Sets on the FA, it should be worth the investment of your time.
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Re: Saving Sounds on The Roland FA-06

Post by 9blackoranges »

Hi again,

I see you have done a reboot but seem to be back up and running. I did query if you were using Studio Sets as you seemed to be Tone centric.

As others have said Studio Sets are brilliant and should be your main route through the FA keyboard due to its versatility.

Its big weakness is the lack of a built in 'find or sort' librarian facility though. Give carful thought to your naming and storing of your Studio Sets.

I have built mine into various categories as groups, such as, the first 50, second 50-100 etc and left spaces in-between so I can slot extras in a group at a later date and allows some movements/relocation. If you just add them numerically you make sorting very hard.

I also have made a SONG with the majority of my Studio Sets using the same 'saved numbering'. I recall you were into looping with your other device and you could similar produce loops in the FA as a SONG and its kin Studio Set bringing in looped tones as required by the Pads and all synchronised with your Boss.

Have fun. Don't dump it! Its a brilliant tool in its flexibility for the money.
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