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Master EQ bug?

Posted: 10:32, 9 February 2018
by vinchenzison

I'm coming from being a Fantom XA user for 8 years to an FA-07 this week and I'm confused by the Master EQ.
My understanding is that once set this shouldn't change although my experience is somewhat different on the FA.

So for example, I have a Single tone studio set with a Piano, I modify the Master EQ, write settings etc
If I change the tone to the next tone in the same studio set it then resets my master EQ settings to zero.
If I go back to the original tone it stays at 0. If I change studio set and go back it's still 0 even if I've saved the studio set after modifying the master eq.

Is this the same experience others have or is this a bug?
I'm running the latest firmware.


Re: Master EQ bug?

Posted: 17:25, 9 February 2018
by Skijumptoes
Are you in studio set mode when this happens? (i.e. both split and dual lights are lit).

If you're not, i.e. if you're just in the FA Preview set, but on single voice then the master EQ will change.

Re: Master EQ bug?

Posted: 18:30, 9 February 2018
by vinchenzison
Good point, I'll check this out later.

Re: Master EQ bug?

Posted: 22:57, 9 February 2018
by vinchenzison
I checked and it seems to happen in any mode where I switch a single tone to another.
Even if I go back to Saved studio sets there just doesn't seem to be a way of getting back my saved Master EQ without turning off and back on again.

Re: Master EQ bug?

Posted: 20:48, 10 February 2018
by lipi
The Master EQ settings are System saved not by studio sets...

Re: Master EQ bug?

Posted: 00:13, 11 February 2018
by Skijumptoes
As above, but you can save EQ offsets on a part basis in the studio sets. This is in addition to the master EQ, which is better used as a general setup parameter for your FA and the environment it's in. (i.e. in a studio/live rig etc).