FA with SetListMaker / BandHelper

Forum for Roland FA-06/08
Posts: 11
Joined: 11:55, 4 March 2018

Re: FA with SetListMaker / BandHelper

Post by Bolbou »

I would like to return to the topic of synch my Fa08 through the BandHelper app.

Now I have another question.
I mean synch midi clock, and more precisely, metronome click.

Now I have the FA set so that when I start the instrument, my favorite StudioSet starts by default, and song no.1, and in this song1 I have an audio loop set to a certain song.

The instrument is a MIDI slave and midi sync via midi.

The problem is that when I send a midi sync (sysex setudioset) from bandhelper, in which I have a specific song tempo set, Song1 starts automatically and audio LOOP starts immediately, and I don't want to run it in every song, but only on one particular song.
On other tracks, I'd like to only have the click metronome from my FA synced to BandHelper.

I'd like to setup BandHelpei and Fa so that BandHelper sends studio set change (via sysex) and midi sync tempo to FA.
I would like FA to read only the tempo change in a specific song, as I have it set in BandHelper in a specific song, but not to start song1 play automatically.

There's an end-of-year party in a few days, and I have to get this set up by then 
Anyone help?
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