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Would touch-sensitive MIDI-in kb make System-1 touch-sensiti

Posted: 07:31, 24 February 2017
by row111
Would touch-sensitive MIDI-in keyboard make System-1 touch-sensitive?
This would be awesome for the choices of piano-feel touch-sensitive keyboards out there.

Re: Would touch-sensitive MIDI-in kb make System-1 touch-sen

Posted: 16:19, 30 March 2017
by row111
Well, I have figured this out. The answer is Yes. If you run a touch-sensitive midi controller into the System-1's midi-in port, you get the System-1 sound, and expression is touch sensitive, by the controller.

--I just happened to recently get an old CME UR5 controller, and it is a lot of fun. Definitely a way better keyboard feel than the one the System-1 has.

Re: Would touch-sensitive MIDI-in kb make System-1 touch-sen

Posted: 07:29, 6 April 2017
by bluemike
.... Anything is better than the System1 keyboard.
If it's really a shame they did not care to add a better one

But having said that, I love my System1 but I would have loved it more with a better keyboard