JP8000 replacing battery

Forum for JP-8000/8080 synthesizers from 1990's
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JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Andy.T »

Hi all
I recently fired up my JP8000,having not used it for over a year (I've bought myself a Virus TI).When the JP8000 came on,two messages appeared,DAMAGED MEMORY and LOW BATTERY.
I obviously need to replace the battery.The manual says return the unit to Roland for this,but I would prefer to attempt this myself.
Can anyone tell me what type of battery I require and can I get this from any battery supplier or should I order one from Roland Spares Dept.
How easy/difficult is this job,any tips, advice would be welcomed.
Thank you,
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by jessej »

I've had my JP-8000 (I love it) since 1998 I think and I was a member of the JP-8000 Yahoo group since.. waaaay back, but not anymore... I think I recall reading a post on the Yahoo groups about this way back, so please join the Yahoo groups and do an search...

Hope this helps.

yeah and please report back with your findings... the damaged memory part sounds scary thou.
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by jessej »

Oh yeah and I think keeping it powered will charge the battery.. perhaps you then need just to "re-flash" the OS?? Just a wild guess.

I have opened my JP-8000 and there is nothing that looks like a conventional battery.. What you have inside is a soldered part that is the battery... when you have had it not in use for a year, that built in battery has discharged and thus 'forgot' all settings... as far as I know..

So keep it powered for a few days to charge the built in battery. Maybe it need changing also..
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Sprockett »


Just in case you haven't found a fix for your battery problem, I've seen a couple JP8000's as well as tons of other Roland gear so I'll give you everything I can think of.

First off, if you have any user data on board that you want to keep you need to save it elsewhere (PC dump or whatever you use) because the memory will clear. Obviously you can do a factory reset later so don't worry about those patches.

Once you get the cover off there should be a board or boards covered by a rectangular metal shield (about 6" x 4"). You need to take that cover off to find the battery. It's just the standard clip in CR2032 coin battery available at any electronics store or drug store that carries cameras and accessories.

It's a pretty easy job if you don't mind handling a screwdriver around your gear, but if that concerns you in any way or if you're all thumbs then it might be best to get a repair shop to do it for you. Just remember to keep your hands off the circuit boards as much as you can or wear a grounding strap. Oh, and unplug it before doing anything! I might be insulting your intelligence here but you wouldn't believe the number of machines I see where the owner fried it by taking a screwdriver to the unit while it's tuned on :)

Best of luck,
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JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Andy.T »

Sprockett,jessej,thank you both.
I managed to get the JP back to full health,this weekend.It took about 50 mins.Most of this time was spent unscrewing the rear cover and putting it back on again afterwards.Incidentally,all the screws are the same length, so you don't have to worry about laying them out carefully to make sure they go back in their original hole.
Also,it pays to have a nimble fingered girlfriend/wife/small child handy to pick out the small screws from the internal cover else you risk losing them under the circuit boards.
jessej,the memory damaged message is nothing to worry about.It just means that the dead battery has caused all user patches to be lost.Performing a factory reset resolved this.
Oddly,when the battery dies,the pitch bend/LFO2 lever and ribbon controller no longer function.Again this is nothing to worry about.You simply put the JP into test mode,and reset them.I'm at work, but if anyone needs a step by step on how to do this,let me know and I will post it here.
thanks once again Guys,
prado escondido
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by prado escondido »

Would the JD-990 battery replacement be pretty much the same procedure? Or?


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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Sprockett »

Same battery (the CR2032) and pretty much the same work. You're in luck though, here's a link to some pics of an open JD-990 with battery placement. Just carefully pop the old one out and replace. ... ?t=2291319
prado escondido
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by prado escondido »

Many thanks! ... Don't need to yet, but I know it's coming.

Just revived a MI Rack that I bought not working due to the battery being dead.

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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by realtrance »

The simple fact that you can pop out a CR-2032 (the most available lithium battery on the planet) without having to desolder it wins my love for Roland forever more! Think I'll replace my decade-old batteries just to be safe, now -- thanks for the thread.
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by jessej »

Andy, please post all the reset, test mode etc info you have!
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Andy.T »

Hi Jessej
Yes,sure I will do that for you.I'm at work now,but will post a step by step for you,next week.sorry not to reply sooner but I spend most of my time on the Virus forum now.
Regards Andy
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by Andy.T »

HI Jessej
O.K,after you replace the battery in the JP,you will need to perform the following steps to get the bender & ribbon controller to work.

1 Before turning the JP on,hold down the SYNC,12db/24dB and TYPE buttons

2 keep holding the buttons downand turn on the JP.It will take awhile but eventually the screen will show 1 midi test.

3,press 3,display will read 3 Bend Mod.

4 Gradually move the bender fully left and gradually back to centre.Now press the LOWER button.

5 Do the same moving to the right,return to centre and press the UPPER button.

6 Do the same again but pushing the lever forwards and back before pressing the KEY MODE button

7 When a * appears on the screen,press UP

8 Press 4 to show 4 Ribbon

9 press down on the far left of the ribbon and at the same time press LOWER

10 Repaet on the right side and press UPPER

11Pressing on the middle, press the KEY MODE button.

12 when the * appears on the display, press UP.

13 Power off the JP.

Next time you turn on, everything will be fine.STart sweeping those sawtooths!
Hope this helps

P.S don't forget you will also need to do a factory reset for the Patch mode,Performance mode and the RPS patterns.This is explained in the manual,but if you don't have this,post here,and I will run through the procedure.
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by D_Garry »

Hi guys!
Yesterday i've become a happy owner of JP-8000!! But unfortunately my happiness has been a bit overshadowed by few cracks in the plastic body of the synth. Now i'm going to fix it. So, could you tell me, are there any pitfalls with pulling off the top plastic cover? there are many screws on the bottom side, there are also some screws on the rear side (where the AC plug resides). Which of them must i unscrew to remove the cover? (because, don't know how it's in JP-8000, but some appliances have many screws that in fact hold some internal PCBs or modules, but you can unscrew them outside the body. and i'd like not to touch'em). Also, is it neccessary to remove all the control knobs before removing the top cover?
Thank you!

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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by leomartin6 »

There must be a solution for the unwanted and undesired cracks.
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Re: JP8000 replacing battery

Post by jessej »


It's now 2012 and MY JP-8000 screamed Battery Low.. So I search Google and find this thread and behold, I found answers to my own questions by myself.

Anyways, here's to all those who also find themselves in this thread in the future:

Replacing the JP-8000 Battery VIDEO:
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