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FA-76 Modulation Settings When Switching Patches

Posted: 21:52, 17 May 2015
by groove_puppy
OK, complete keyboard noob here, been playing with a Fantom for some months now and getting to grips with most of what I need. Being a noob I'm still using only "patch" mode. I mostly use a Hammond-esque tone and switch the modulation (Leslie speed) up and down as needed. Trouble is, if I jump to another patch with the modulation engaged (Leslie set to fast) it remains engaged for the new patch until I either toggle it with the button or push the mod lever up and down to reset it.

Is there a way to ensure that selecting a new patch resets all on-the-fly tweaks to the previous patch. Scoured the manual and searched here and Google but it's not leaping out at me.

Re: FA-76 Modulation Settings When Switching Patches

Posted: 21:52, 17 May 2015
by groove_puppy
Oh yeah, no FA-76 forum?