Can you create 808s with the system 8

Forum for Roland's System-8 synthesizer
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Joined: 01:10, 8 March 2020

Can you create 808s with the system 8

Post by Audionurd »

I'm curious to know if you can create drums from scratch on the system 8
Posts: 13
Joined: 13:00, 5 June 2017

Re: Can you create 808s with the system 8

Post by humax »

Yes, sure you can. Take a Triangle oscillator, then bring both Attack & Sustain down to zero in the AMP envelope. Then make short Release there as well and there you go! Now you can add some Pitch Decay with positive envelope to give the sound some colour. So now you can start slightly increasing AMP Decay and Release proportionally to achieve the sound duration required. You can also mix some noise Oscillator to the sound in order to give it some sharpness to its attack. The Noise Oscillator can be used for making both a Hi-Hat and Snare sound as well. If you want to make the sound a bit softer you can apply some LPF to that. You can dick around with LPF envelope if you want to.
Hope it helps.
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