Bug: First preset in bank is loading instead of desired one

Forum for Roland's System-8 synthesizer
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Joined: 18:57, 25 August 2017

Bug: First preset in bank is loading instead of desired one

Post by dirtrobot »

Windows 10/Ableton Live 10

I have a custom preset I'm using in the first user bank. The problem is when I reload my project in ableton, instead of loading the proper preset (in this case it's in slot 13), System 8 initializes on the FIRST slot in the user bank.
What's weird is the preset name is from the last preset I used when I saved the project but the SOUND is from the preset in the first SLOT of the user bank.

So I have to reselect the preset I want to use in each sys8 instance when I open my project. This is very annoying because I have 3 instance of sys8 in my project and it's starting to grind my gears.
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