Feature suggestion for MC-101 (and maybe MC-707)

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Feature suggestion for MC-101 (and maybe MC-707)

Post by fungus »

Editing partials on the 101 is a bit of a pain and I'm guessing there'll never be an app for it so here's a suggestion to make it much nicer.

Most of the pain comes from having to twist the value knob to select rows of parameters so let's speed that up.

The suggestion is that when you're editing partials (eg. in note mode as shown below):
notes.jpg (89.56 KiB) Viewed 202 times

If you press the SCATTER button the function of the pads changes to select parameter "rows" for the partials:

eg. Pad 1 selects parameter row 1 ("COM"), pad 13 selects row 13 ("FILTER"), etc.
rows.jpg (103.53 KiB) Viewed 202 times
The pads can be color coded (maybe as shown above) to make them easier to remember.

This works for parameter rows 1-16. Rows 17-29 could be selected by pressing SHIFT.

There's two ways to do this:

The first way is to make it 'sticky' - the MC-101 will stay in this mode until you press NOTE to go back to note mode. This would work best for tweaking sounds while the sequencer is playing or with an external keyboard.

The other way is to make it stay in the mode only as long as you're holding the SCATTER button. When you release the SCATTER button it goes directly back to note mode. This would be best if you're using the pads to play the sound.

Both ways have pros and cons. Maybe there could be a system setting so that users can choose how it works.

nb. This could be implemented on the 707 as well, using pads would be faster than moving between parameters with the arrow keys.

I really hope this could be implemented in an update.
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