More advanced MIDI editing plz

Roland's music creation app
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Joined: 22:32, 24 March 2021

More advanced MIDI editing plz

Post by Dustyatx »

I know mobile has attracted a lot of musicians who are new to MIDI.. But eventually everyone needs more than just add/delete/move/change duration, especially those of us who've been working with DAWs for years.

I have bought third party plugins like Atom 2 & Xequence to try to add improve MIDI editing but using it is cludgy.. I have to us AUM, sequence there then record it in Zenbeats.. It's a total headache.. This is weirdly a big opportunity as only one iOS DAWs has good midi tools and it's a bit out of date and unstable.

There is so many great things to do here like humanize, or quantizing the end of notes or splitting a note in two, or note repeat. Being able to quickly turn a polyphonic phrase to a monophonic. It's all doable without of course but it gets tedious, it takes you out of the flow. I tend to avoid it to keep the song moving forward but it does feel like I'm making unnecessary compromises.

Please show the MIDI editor some love..
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