Combining patches

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Joined: 16:53, 8 August 2013

Combining patches

Post by ric330 »

Hi everyone,

I'm trying to recreate the synth sound as heard on Muse's Uprising my ears it sounds something like a theremin and a string section etc. What is the easiest way to do something like this with SS. Is it possible for example to simply combine two patches into one user patch. I already know you can make user patches from individual tones etc but was wandering if there was another way.

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Re: Combining patches

Post by rcraven »

Have a look at PR-D 108 Theramax.
It only uses 2 Tones so you can add the strings to this.

For the strings have a look at a combined Piano and strings patch like PR-A 22 Warm Str Pno
Tone 3 are the strings.

One way to copy a Tone is...
Start the SC editor on your PC
Select PR-D 108 patch and save it to a user memory. This is your theremin sorted.
Select PR-A 22 and select the menu option Edit/Copy/Patch Tone 3. Now you have the first string tone.
Select your user patch
Paste the tone by Edit/Paste/Patch Tone 3

Turn on the Tones 3 - On the left select PATCH SUMMARY - click on the Switch 3 top right.
Adjust the level on the strings on Tone 3 in the PATCH TVA area (first slider on left for Tone 3)
Save the User Patch.

Now tweak it to make it the way you want it (I haven't heard the song you mention) and save the result.
I have included my version. Load it into the SonicCell PC editor.
Combination of the Theramax patch with strings in SC editor format.
(8.58 KiB) Downloaded 414 times
Note that the typical Theremin portamento is there, but it means that the string sound will also slide.
You might like to try and copy Tone 3 (string) to Tone 4 and take it up and octave (coarse tune PATCH WG) for a fuller string sound.

You can also set up a performance and put the Theremin in Part 1 and a string patch in Part 2 and make the Midi receive channel the same (channel one probably).
If you are using the SC for Midi backing tracks as well, you may have to compromise a bit on the effects.

All the best

Posts: 2
Joined: 16:53, 8 August 2013

Re: Combining patches

Post by ric330 »

That's a really awesome response Royce thanks.
I'm going to try all of your suggestions but will definitely give your file a go first.

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